Tuesday, March 24, 2009

KK peoples' right to self-determination in international law

How are you all doing? I hope you all are working hard and working smartfor our legitimate cause to free our Land and our Peoples from the colonialrule of VN in accordance with all the international laws in full force,especially the UN Declaration 1514(XV) of 14 December 1960 pertaining tothe Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, the UNresolution 1541(XV) of 15 December 1960 granting us three options to choosefrom for our right to self-determination: 1) Free association with anindependent State (Vietnam, the administering Power), 2) Integration withan independent State (Vietnam), and 3) Independence, the 2001-2010 SecondInternational Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism, and recently the13 September 2007 UN Declaration on the Rights on Indigenous Peoples, whichgrants us the right to self-determination, especially in its article 3.And above all the requiremens of the UN Charter, Chapters XI, XII, andXIII.We need to check with the UN Special Committee of 24 to see if ourNon-Self-Governing Khmer Krom Territory is already on the SpecialCommittee's list to be decolonized among the 16 remaining territories. Ifnot listed yet, our KKF leaders must urge the Special Committee to list ourKampuchea Krom on its list as " Unfinished Business" of the SpecialCommittee.I need your ideas and opinions in this urgent matter as one of a Khmer Kromperson and an advisor to the KKF Chairman, Mr. Kim Thong To.Anxiously awaiting for your intelligent feedback and all important ideasand opinions to this very crucial matter of life and death for our peoplesand nation, Kampuchea KrimThanks a lot and Buddha bless.
Chan Chhan Keo

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