Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How Many Khmer Krom People Now ?

Dear All,
In many times and occasions, I used to mention in my email messages to some KKF leaders, KK peoples and all Khmer people in general that they need to work together in solidarity and shall speak the same language of the international! The same language of the international simply means the same specific languages used in the international laws either were they used in the UN Charter, UN Declarations, UN General Assembly resolutions or in other international instruments such as treaties, conventions, and or covenants, etc. regarding the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples, especially the right of self-determination and/or the right of self-government of our Non-Self-Governing Territory Kampuchea Krom and Khmer Krom Peoples. And I also repeatedly said that the political destiny of our homeland, Kampuchea Krom and our indigenous Khmer Krom peoples must belong to all of us, Khmer Krom, not just to a few KKF leaders alone, or to Mr. Setha Thach's group alone, or to KK exile government alone either. All of those group leaders shall build a strong apparatus network of communication or connection and a very solid relationship base or foundation between each other in order to work together as a Very Strong Team Player in the international arena and shall speak the same specific International Law Language to exercise our right to self-determination; in short to choose the appropriate form of self-determination that will suit to our peoples' aspirations and wills.Now, we all KK peoples still have plenty of time to talk and discuss about this vital issue. Don't be afraid to make connection with each other either via telephone calls, emails or other medium of communication. If anyone else refuses to accept your calls or email messages, just keep doing it until he or she agrees to cooperate with you. If still a failure after trying many times, just ignore him or her because you try your best for the global and common interest of our nation and peoples. On June 22, 2009, KKF will have a conference about self-determination in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Now, make sure to jot down carefully on your calendar to remember and to force yourself to attend this very important conference that will cost the death or life of our nation, Kampuchea Krom and KK peoples in accordance with the international laws. If you miss it, it really means you don't care about the political destiny of our homeland and suffering KK peoples, and you don't continue to say again and again that you are patriot, nationalist or that you love above all else your nation and peoples any more because your words are completely different from your real actions. All actions either good or bad mean thousands and thousands of words, and really reveal to everyone the true value of that person.Let's go back to the possible real number of KK peoples in Kampuchea Krom. Let's go back to the year 1969 where President Nguyen Van Thieu said that our KK peoples population was about more than six million, and that number was agreed upon by H.E. Son Ngoc Thanh. Let's say that our annual population increase is about at least an average of 1.5 %, 2% or 3%, the possible population increase is about from 90K to 180K per year, and in 40 years (1969-2009) the possible number of our KK population is approximately increased from 9,600K to 13,200K( from 9,600,000 to 13,200,000), that is a real large difference from that of KKF's real number of 7 million. And if we consider the number that was told by KK peoples in 2005 that was approximately from 12 to 14 million, right now the approximate number of our peoples is from 12+million to 14+million(only 1.5% increase). And how about 2% increase or 3% increase?). If so, their number is almost from 13 million to 16 million, NOT 7 million as per KKF.
To me personally and by law in an American democratic system of government and in an American democratic society, I always go with the will of the majority, but always respect the minority's right. If our KK peoples choose any form of self-determination or self-government in accordance with the international laws either free association or integration (choose to become Vietnamese citizens), or choose autonomy (partly independent from Vietnam, but remains KK people and Kampuchea Krom as a nation to the outside world, but still under the guardianship of Vietnam in the same case as that of Andorra country in European Union or some autonomous Tibet's provinces which are under China's guardianship) or power sharing, or federalism with Vietnam, or completely independent from Vietnam, I must go with the majority and must respect the will of the majority even though I agree or disagree with them. Why? Because the safety, the security, and the will of the people is my duty, responsibility, and accountability as a Khmer Krom person not to cause any problem to them, not to object to their own aspirations, needs, and wants. The option they choose for their self-government is their right in positive correlation and in pure conformity with the international laws still in full force, implementation and application to solve all the 16 remaining non-self-governing territories and peoples on the UN Special Committee's list in which we don't know yet if UN has already listed our Kampuchea Krom for decolonization process/purpose.
Get ready to better communicate with KKF leaders and ask them to invite all KK peoples in every corner of the world to attend that conference of life or death of our nation and peoples. This conference is for all Khmer Krom peoples in different organizations and institutions either political, social, educational, economic, humanitarian or religious, not just for those who are leaders, members or supporters of the KKF or else. Please make connection with them right now and be ready to speak up at the conference about which type or form of self-determination you really want for our nation and peoples. The more you speak up the more people will listen to you, and finally always go with the majority either you agree or disagree with them! La fin justifie les moyens.
With my best wishes and with our Lord Buddha's five blessings.
Cham Chuop Knea Nov Kampuchea Krom!
By : Khmer Krom People

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